
About the FESTIVAL

Originally launched in 2010 as an audio-visual competition for advertising and social awareness called the “SOUND & IMAGE CHALLENGE,” the festival evolved into a Short Film Festival in 2015 due to increasing international recognition. In 2020, to establish its unique identity in Macau, the Festival was renamed the “Macau International Short Film Festival.” This year marks the 16th edition.

About the organizers


Launched in 2003, CREATIVE MACAU – Center for Creative Industries in the Macau Special Administrative Region is a project developed and managed by the Institute of European Studies of Macau. Its main role is to assist the creative industries by raising their profile and helping them achieved their full economic potential.


Institute of European Studies of Macau

Since its founding on 23rd October 1995, the Institute of European Studies of Macau (IEEM) has been actively promoting cultural and academic dialogues between Europe and Asia with Macau as an ideal platform.
